Galapagar - Properties Prices
Galapagar apartments - average prices
Surface (sqm) | Price (eur) | Taxes |
50 | 84,950 | calculate taxes |
75 | 127,425 | calculate taxes |
100 | 169,900 | calculate taxes |
125 | 212,375 | calculate taxes |
150 | 254,850 | calculate taxes |
175 | 297,325 | calculate taxes |
200 | 339,800 | calculate taxes |
225 | 382,275 | calculate taxes |
250 | 424,750 | calculate taxes |
Galapagar villas - average prices
Surface (sqm) | Price (eur) | Taxes |
150 | 254,850 | calculate taxes |
200 | 339,800 | calculate taxes |
250 | 424,750 | calculate taxes |
300 | 509,700 | calculate taxes |
350 | 594,650 | calculate taxes |
400 | 679,600 | calculate taxes |
450 | 764,550 | calculate taxes |
500 | 849,500 | calculate taxes |
550 | 934,450 | calculate taxes |
These are the average prices in Galapagar from the last quarter of the year 2020. Please note that in the luxury residential areas the prices can be 2-3 times higher than the average prices.
Galapagar - Taxes on Property Sale
We developed this calculator to help you make an idea about the amount of taxes on a property sale.
We make efforts in keeping the above calculator working well and updated. It is still possible that the results will not be accurate.
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