Gavà - Properties Prices

Gavà apartments - average prices
Surface (sqm) Price (eur) Taxes
50 123,755 calculate taxes
75 185,633 calculate taxes
100 247,510 calculate taxes
125 309,388 calculate taxes
150 371,265 calculate taxes
175 433,143 calculate taxes
200 495,020 calculate taxes
225 556,898 calculate taxes
250 618,775 calculate taxes
Gavà villas - average prices
Surface (sqm) Price (eur) Taxes
150 371,265 calculate taxes
200 495,020 calculate taxes
250 618,775 calculate taxes
300 742,530 calculate taxes
350 866,285 calculate taxes
400 990,040 calculate taxes
450 1,113,795 calculate taxes
500 1,237,550 calculate taxes
550 1,361,305 calculate taxes

These are the average prices in Gavà from the last quarter of the year 2020. Please note that in the luxury residential areas the prices can be 2-3 times higher than the average prices.

Gavà - Taxes on Property Sale

Property value
Please enter the property value


Transfer Tax
Info Buyer
Notary Fees
Info Buyer
Land Registry Fees
Info Buyer
Legal Fees
Info Buyer Seller
Estate Agency Commissions
Info Seller
Total Buyer 0
Total Seller 0
Total 0

New property

Info Buyer
Stamp duty / AJD
Info Buyer
Estate Agency Commissions
Info Seller
Total Buyer 0
Total Seller 0
Total 0


We developed this calculator to help you make an idea about the amount of taxes on a property sale. We make efforts in keeping the above calculator working well and updated. It is still possible that the results will not be accurate. It is under no circumstances to be a replacement for professional advice.

We are not responsible for any loss or damage that could arise from using the above calculator. You are completely responsible for the use of the above calculations.

If you notice any discrepancies or mistakes please let us know ().